Products related to Finance:
Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) – Effizientes und flexibles Finanzmanagement für Ihr Unternehmen Mit Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) sind Sie bestens gerüstet, um den sich stetig verändernden Geschäftsanforderungen gerecht zu werden. Diese moderne Finanzmanagementlösung von Microsoft ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre Finanzmodelle proaktiv zu gestalten, um auf Marktentwicklungen zu reagieren und von ihnen zu profitieren. Nutzen Sie intelligente Prognoselösungen, um den Cashflow zu überwachen und zukünftige Trends zu identifizieren, und verbessern Sie Ihre Margen durch präzise Vorhersagen über die Zahlungseingänge Ihrer Kunden. Überblick über Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) bietet eine Reihe leistungsstarker Werkzeuge, die speziell dafür entwickelt wurden, um Ihre Finanzoperationen zu optimieren. Reduzieren Sie Abschreibungen, sparen Sie Zeit bei der Budgeterstellung und verwalten Sie Ihre Finanzgeschäfte flexibel in mehreren Währungen und Einheiten. Mit Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) können Sie Ihre Geschäftsperformance effektiv überwachen und Ihre betrieblichen Arbeitsabläufe durch fundierte Entscheidungen verbessern. Merkmale von Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) Finanzplanung und -analyse: Steigern Sie die Agilität Ihrer Finanzplanung, Budgetierung und Prognose mit Copilot-gestützten Funktionen, die Ihnen helfen, auf Veränderungen im Markt schnell zu reagieren. Buchhaltung und Finanzabschluss: Beschleunigen Sie Ihren Finanzabschlussprozess und verbessern Sie die Berichterstattung durch den Einsatz von Self-Service-Analysen und Automatisierungstools. Steuerverwaltung: Verwalten Sie Steuervorgaben, Steuersätze und Abzüge effizient durch ein einheitliches Steuerdatenmodell, das Ihre Prozesse standardisiert. Angebot zur Barzahlung: Optimieren Sie Ihre Monetarisierungsstrategie mit KI-gestützter Rechnungsstellung, Debitorenbuchhaltung und Inkasso. Bargeldverwaltung: Verwalten Sie Ihre Liquidität mit Hilfe von Predictive Analytics und Cashflow-Prognosen, um jederzeit einen genauen Überblick über Ihre Finanzen zu haben. Geschäftsleistungsmanagement: Treffen Sie fundierte Entscheidungen und steigern Sie die Agilität Ihres Unternehmens mit Copilot-unterstützten Selfservice-Finanz- und Betriebsanalysen. Dynamics 365 Finance Operations ✓ Optimierte Finanz- und Betriebsprozesse ✓ Bessere Entscheidungsfindung durch Echtzeit-Datenanalyse ✓ Nahtlose Integration und Skalierbarkeit Als erfahrener Microsoft Dynamics Partner führt HSO die Lösung mit einem individuell angepassten Implementierungsprozess in Ihrem Unternehmen ein und bietet Ihnen kontinuierlichen Support und Schulungen, damit Sie das volle Potenzial der Plattform ausschöpfen und nachhaltigen Geschäftserfolg erzielen. Effizienzsteigerung bei Finanzprozessen Dynamics 365 Finance automatisiert Finanzprozesse und reduziert Fehlerquellen, was zu einer deutlichen Effizienzsteigerung beiträgt. Echtzeit-Finanzanalysen Die Plattform von Microsoft bietet Echtzeit-Daten, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, schnelle und fundierte Finanzentscheidungen zu treffen. Verbesserte Liquiditätsplanung Dynamics 365 Finance optimiert den Cashflow, Prognosen und das Liquiditätsmanagement für Unternehmen, um die finanzielle Stabilität sicherzustellen. Nahtlose Integration und Skalierbarkeit Die Lösung integriert sich nahtlos in Microsoft-Anwendungen und verbessert die Datenverwaltung, sodass Sie Ihre Geschäftsprozesse mühelos skalieren können. Die Funktionen Dynamics 365 Finance Effizienzsteigerung bei Entscheidungsprozessen: Verbessern Sie Ihre Entscheidungsfindung durch den Einsatz von Self-Service-Analysefunktionen und fundierten Finanzanalysen. Cashflow-Management: Überwachen Sie Ihren Cashflow kontinuierlich und nutzen Sie fortschrittliche Prognosetools, um aktuelle und zukünftige Trends präzise zu analysieren. Prognosen für zukünftige Kundenzahlungen: Reduzieren Sie Abschreibungen und verbessern Sie Ihre Gewinnmargen, indem Sie vorhersagen, wann oder ob Kunden ihre Rechnungen begleichen werden. Effiziente Budgeterstellung: Sparen Sie Zeit und Aufwand mit der intelligenten Budgetvorschlagsfunktion, die historische Daten analysiert, um präzise Budgets zu erstellen. Schneller Abschluss der Finanzbücher: Optimieren Sie Ihr Finanzmanagement durch Unterstützung für mehrere Währungen und Entitäten innerhalb einer einzigen Instanz, und schließen Sie Ihre Bücher zügig ab. Barrierefreie Analysen: Nutzen Sie Self-Service-Analysefunktionen, um fundierte Entscheidungen auf Basis konsistenter Daten aus Dynamics 365 und externen Quellen zu treffen. Systemanforderungen Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) ist eine cloudbasierte Lösung, die auf der robusten und skalierbaren Microsoft Azure Plattform betrieben wird. Für eine optimale Leistung sollten die spezifischen Systemanforderungen Ihrer IT-Infrastruktur berücksichtigt werden. Für detaillierte Informationen und eine umfassende Beratung, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte direkt.
Price: 1316.55 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) – Effizientes und flexibles Finanzmanagement für Ihr Unternehmen Mit Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) sind Sie bestens gerüstet, um den sich stetig verändernden Geschäftsanforderungen gerecht zu werden. Diese moderne Finanzmanagementlösung von Microsoft ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre Finanzmodelle proaktiv zu gestalten, um auf Marktentwicklungen zu reagieren und von ihnen zu profitieren. Nutzen Sie intelligente Prognoselösungen, um den Cashflow zu überwachen und zukünftige Trends zu identifizieren, und verbessern Sie Ihre Margen durch präzise Vorhersagen über die Zahlungseingänge Ihrer Kunden. Überblick über Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) bietet eine Reihe leistungsstarker Werkzeuge, die speziell dafür entwickelt wurden, um Ihre Finanzoperationen zu optimieren. Reduzieren Sie Abschreibungen, sparen Sie Zeit bei der Budgeterstellung und verwalten Sie Ihre Finanzgeschäfte flexibel in mehreren Währungen und Einheiten. Mit Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) können Sie Ihre Geschäftsperformance effektiv überwachen und Ihre betrieblichen Arbeitsabläufe durch fundierte Entscheidungen verbessern. Merkmale von Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) Finanzplanung und -analyse: Steigern Sie die Agilität Ihrer Finanzplanung, Budgetierung und Prognose mit Copilot-gestützten Funktionen, die Ihnen helfen, auf Veränderungen im Markt schnell zu reagieren. Buchhaltung und Finanzabschluss: Beschleunigen Sie Ihren Finanzabschlussprozess und verbessern Sie die Berichterstattung durch den Einsatz von Self-Service-Analysen und Automatisierungstools. Steuerverwaltung: Verwalten Sie Steuervorgaben, Steuersätze und Abzüge effizient durch ein einheitliches Steuerdatenmodell, das Ihre Prozesse standardisiert. Angebot zur Barzahlung: Optimieren Sie Ihre Monetarisierungsstrategie mit KI-gestützter Rechnungsstellung, Debitorenbuchhaltung und Inkasso. Bargeldverwaltung: Verwalten Sie Ihre Liquidität mit Hilfe von Predictive Analytics und Cashflow-Prognosen, um jederzeit einen genauen Überblick über Ihre Finanzen zu haben. Geschäftsleistungsmanagement: Treffen Sie fundierte Entscheidungen und steigern Sie die Agilität Ihres Unternehmens mit Copilot-unterstützten Selfservice-Finanz- und Betriebsanalysen. Dynamics 365 Finance Operations ✓ Optimierte Finanz- und Betriebsprozesse ✓ Bessere Entscheidungsfindung durch Echtzeit-Datenanalyse ✓ Nahtlose Integration und Skalierbarkeit Als erfahrener Microsoft Dynamics Partner führt HSO die Lösung mit einem individuell angepassten Implementierungsprozess in Ihrem Unternehmen ein und bietet Ihnen kontinuierlichen Support und Schulungen, damit Sie das volle Potenzial der Plattform ausschöpfen und nachhaltigen Geschäftserfolg erzielen. Effizienzsteigerung bei Finanzprozessen Dynamics 365 Finance automatisiert Finanzprozesse und reduziert Fehlerquellen, was zu einer deutlichen Effizienzsteigerung beiträgt. Echtzeit-Finanzanalysen Die Plattform von Microsoft bietet Echtzeit-Daten, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, schnelle und fundierte Finanzentscheidungen zu treffen. Verbesserte Liquiditätsplanung Dynamics 365 Finance optimiert den Cashflow, Prognosen und das Liquiditätsmanagement für Unternehmen, um die finanzielle Stabilität sicherzustellen. Nahtlose Integration und Skalierbarkeit Die Lösung integriert sich nahtlos in Microsoft-Anwendungen und verbessert die Datenverwaltung, sodass Sie Ihre Geschäftsprozesse mühelos skalieren können. Die Funktionen Dynamics 365 Finance Effizienzsteigerung bei Entscheidungsprozessen: Verbessern Sie Ihre Entscheidungsfindung durch den Einsatz von Self-Service-Analysefunktionen und fundierten Finanzanalysen. Cashflow-Management: Überwachen Sie Ihren Cashflow kontinuierlich und nutzen Sie fortschrittliche Prognosetools, um aktuelle und zukünftige Trends präzise zu analysieren. Prognosen für zukünftige Kundenzahlungen: Reduzieren Sie Abschreibungen und verbessern Sie Ihre Gewinnmargen, indem Sie vorhersagen, wann oder ob Kunden ihre Rechnungen begleichen werden. Effiziente Budgeterstellung: Sparen Sie Zeit und Aufwand mit der intelligenten Budgetvorschlagsfunktion, die historische Daten analysiert, um präzise Budgets zu erstellen. Schneller Abschluss der Finanzbücher: Optimieren Sie Ihr Finanzmanagement durch Unterstützung für mehrere Währungen und Entitäten innerhalb einer einzigen Instanz, und schließen Sie Ihre Bücher zügig ab. Barrierefreie Analysen: Nutzen Sie Self-Service-Analysefunktionen, um fundierte Entscheidungen auf Basis konsistenter Daten aus Dynamics 365 und externen Quellen zu treffen. Systemanforderungen Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) ist eine cloudbasierte Lösung, die auf der robusten und skalierbaren Microsoft Azure Plattform betrieben wird. Für eine optimale Leistung sollten die spezifischen Systemanforderungen Ihrer IT-Infrastruktur berücksichtigt werden. Für detaillierte Informationen und eine umfassende Beratung, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte direkt.
Price: 1316.55 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
Targus DOCK171EUZ Notebook Docking Station, Universal incl. Kensington lock, incl. charging function
Targus DOCK171EUZ Notebook Docking Station The Targus Universal Dual Video Docking Station allows you to plug just one USB cable into your laptop, and the dock instantly connects it to your external monitors and computer accessories. Our Universal Docking Station is compatible with most major laptop brands and models and even has an integrated laptop charger that supports most 90W laptops. With a dock, you save time and don't have to deal with a tangle of cables every time you want to use or move your laptop. Perfect for use with multiple devices and users, home or office, hot desk environments and suitable for Gigabit Ethernet networks. 3 year warranty as standard. Includes power spikes*: H - Dell H2 - HP L - Acer, Asus, Samsung HP - Compaq, Asus (Legacy) R - Lenovo, IBM (Older Models) Z - Asus, Acer (New) X9 - Lenovo (New) * This list reflects the latest specification. Product specifications (such as included power tips) are subject to change without notice. Other power tip types are available through customer service. Supplied with Universal USB-A 3.0 DV Docking Station with Power Supply Keywords Targus, DOCK171EUZ, Universal USB-A 3.0 DV Docking Station with Charging, Docking Station, Dock, Docking The Universal USB 3.0 DV Docking Station lets you set up a dual beyond HD video workstation or connect a single 2K monitor. It offers built-in power and charging and is designed to support multiple host platforms and brands for broad peripheral and device compatibility. Easily customize your workstation with five USB 3.0 ports (including a high-performance port for charging devices and a Type-C port) and an audio in/out port for speakers, microphones, or headphones. The built-in Gigabit Ethernet connection is more secure and faster than most Wi-Fi connections. The included charging adapters can power most popular notebook brands and are neatly stored in a removable compartment in the dock. - Supports two monitors up to 2048 x 1152 at 60 Hz and 24 bpp color video (a single 2K HDMI monitor at 2560 x 1440 at 50 Hz) by leveraging DisplayLink® DL-3900 technology - HDMI 1.4 port can be converted to a second DVI-D port, DVI-I port can be converted to VGA (adapter not included) - 4 USB 3.0 Type-A ports (right side BC 1.2 fast charging up to 1.5A) Multiple Monitors Delivers excellent 2K resolution (2048 x 1152) on one monitor and better than HD on two external monitors without image distortion or lag. Laptop Charger No longer do you need a separate laptop charger as multiple laptop power ports are conveniently housed in the dock, allowing you to power your laptop through the dock itself. Take your original laptop charger with you on the road. More USB ports 1 USB-C port and 4 more USB-A ports to plug in all your computer accessories; a headset, wireless mouse and keyboard, phone charger, there's even a port for fast charging. 3 Year Warranty High quality is our standard, that's why we offer a 3 year warranty on all our Universal Docks USB-C Compatible If you want to future-proof this dock, simply add a Targus Multiplexer, which also allows you to connect USB-C laptops and devices to your existing monitors and computer accessories. Specifications Works With PCs, Macs, and Android Devices Colour Black Ethernet 1x Gigabit Ethernet Port USB 5 x USB ports, 1x USB-C, 4x USB-A - 1x Powered for fast-charging Audio 1x Audio In/Out Port Operating System Windows® 10, Windows® 8.1, Windows® 8, Windows® 7 / Mac OS® X v10.8, v10.9, v10.10 / Android v5 or later USB Port (USB 3.0 recommended) Dimensions 21 x 12.5 x 5 cm Weight 1.62 kg Warranty Limited 3-Year Warranty EAN 5051794021684 Country of Origin China
Price: 158.96 £ | Shipping*: 4.26 £ -
Veeam Data Platform Advanced Enterprise Maintenance - Maximum data security In today's digital era, where data is the new oil, protecting and managing this valuable resource is essential. Have you ever wondered how you can effectively secure your company data and easily manage it at the same time? That's where Veeam Data Platform Advanced Enterprise Maintenance comes in. This powerful tool from Veeam provides a comprehensive solution for data management and security that is specifically tailored to the needs of large organizations. What is Veeam Data Platform Advanced Enterprise Maintenance? Veeam Data Platform Advanced Enterprise Maintenance is more than just a backup tool. It is a comprehensive platform that combines data protection, recovery, monitoring and reporting in one solution. But what makes this product so special? The most important functions at a glance Automated backups: Never have to perform manual backups again. Comprehensive restore options: Restore quickly and efficiently at any point in time. Real-time monitoring: Always have an overview of your data. Detailed reporting: Understandable reports for better decision making. Benefits of Veeam Data Platform Advanced Enterprise Maintenance Why should you buy Veeam Data Platform Advanced Enterprise Maintenance? Here are some compelling reasons: 1. Maximum security Data security is the be-all and end-all. With Veeam Data Platform Advanced Enterprise Maintenance, you can be sure that your data is always protected. The tool offers robust encryption methods and protects your data both in transit and at rest. 2. Simple administration Who has time for complicated systems? With Veeam Data Platform Advanced Enterprise Maintenance, managing your data is a breeze. The user-friendly interface and intuitive tools make it easy to schedule backups, perform restores and generate reports. 3. Reliable recovery There's nothing worse than having to rely on an unreliable restore in an emergency. With Veeam Data Platform Advanced Enterprise Maintenance, you can count on fast and reliable restores, whether it's individual files or entire systems. 4. Cost savings Efficiency equals cost savings. By automating many processes and reducing downtime, Veeam Data Platform Advanced Enterprise Maintenance can save you money in the long run. How does Veeam Data Platform Advanced Enterprise Maintenance work? Veeam Data Platform Advanced Enterprise Maintenance works seamlessly with your existing IT infrastructure. It integrates easily with your existing systems and offers a variety of customization options to meet your specific needs. Installation and setup Installation is straightforward and quick. Simply follow the instructions in the installation wizard and the system will be up and running in minutes. The intuitive user interface guides you through the setup process so you can schedule your first backup in no time. Automation One of the biggest benefits of Veeam Data Platform Advanced Enterprise Maintenance is the ability to automate many processes. Whether it's regular backups, monitoring tasks or generating reports, the system takes many time-consuming tasks off your hands so you can focus on more important things. Who is Veeam Data Platform Advanced Enterprise Maintenance suitable for? This tool is ideal for large organizations that need a reliable and comprehensive solution for their data management. It is suitable for various industries, including finance, healthcare, education and many more.
Price: 484.17 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
Unleash the power of the platform. If there's no app for a problem, just create one. The world's leading Workplace Innovation Platform makes it easy for anyone to create their own app. Claris FileMaker Pro lets you automate manual processes in a snap. Build apps to manage contacts, check inventory, organize projects and more. Build an app in minutes and hours instead of days and weeks. Technology for everyone. FileMaker Pro is a programmer-friendly tool with professional-grade power. So you don't have to be a developer to build an app. But if you are, we have something for you. With FileMaker Pro, anyone can solve problems: Create layouts with drag and drop. Use built-in templates and add-ons. Run applications on Windows and Mac. Create mobile applications. Share apps on phones, tablets, and laptops. Create reports on the fly. What's new in FileMaker 16 and Pro 16 Advanced FileMaker Pro 16 is easy-to-use software for creating custom solutions and applications that work across platforms on iPad or iPhone, Windows and Mac, and the web. Layout Objects window - displays a hierarchical list of all objects on a layout. Objects can be selected, hidden, and renamed, and the stacking order can be changed. Tabs - In a new window, users can open additional windows or files without having to close the first tab. New FileMaker Pro interface for Windows OS - The new FileMaker Pro user interface now resembles the familiar Windows environment. Copy and paste value lists - Default keyboard shortcuts for copying and pasting value lists. Variables in FileMaker data source references - Host FileMaker files can be opened dynamically if a variable is specified when the file path is selected. Advanced cURL functions - Easily exchange data with other web services and applications. JSON functions - Use predefined functions to simplify parsing and creating requested JSON data from other data sources. External Script Steps - Support for external script steps extends the capabilities of plug-in applications. Clickable Security Lock Icons - Clicking the lock icon provides additional information about the security status of the network connection. Field-based text encryption - Text can be encrypted directly in the field. Interacts well with others Use FileMaker Pro to make the applications and systems you use every day even better. It's another tool in your toolbox. Work with your existing data to get started. Drag and drop spreadsheets, import CSV and XML files, create 2-way links with SQL data, and more. Have an operational problem? Solve it with FileMaker. FileMaker Pro has built-in templates to get your creativity flowing. And there's a wide selection of templates, tools, applications and training materials available in the Marketplace. To spark your imagination, here are just a few of the ways you can use FileMaker Pro: Operations Marketing Sales Finance The power of the platform Your business includes the cloud, on-premise systems, and devices. And they all need to work together for your business to thrive. So when you buy the entire platform, you unlock the full potential of FileMaker Pro in terms of sharing, security, and multi-device support. Technical requirements macOS Sierra 10.12, macOS X El Capitan 10.11 Windows Server 2016 Standard Editions (with Desktop Experience) Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Editions with Upgrade (see Microsoft KB 2919355) Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Standard and Enterprise Editions
Price: 180.64 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
AVG Driver Updater automatically checks over 8 million drivers to ensure : Fewer crashes A faster browsing experience Better graphics A richer sound Fewer problems with devices Fewer system crashes thanks to AVG Driver Updater Don't let a computer crash ruin your day anymore. We analyze all your drivers and recommend the right ones to reduce the following: Computer freezes Crashes and errors Printer problems Problems with the connection Shaky movements of the mouse Speed up browsing and downloads Make sure your computer can keep up with you. Helps resolve wireless connection interruptions. Helps resolve issues with slow connections. Ensures faster browsing, streaming, and downloading speeds. Adds new features to improve performance. AVG Driver Updater speeds up the gaming experience and ensures smooth video playback. Discover new standards in gaming and video streaming. We search for the latest graphics drivers in real time to give you a smoother gaming, streaming and video editing experience. A whole new design and engine. Our redesigned user interface lets you install drivers in just a few clicks. Our updated driver engine automatically searches for and installs new driver versions, so your drivers are always up to date. Plus, you'll never have to worry about hardware conflicts again because your drivers will install completely smoothly and individually. Enjoy richer sound without noise. Solve sound problems effortlessly. We regularly update your sound drivers and programs to improve audio quality, whether you're listening to music or talking to your family. Solve driver problems quickly and easily. Use the troubleshooting tool to diagnose and fix driver issues that affect your device's accessories and performance. In the rare case that a driver has a problem, the Troubleshooter : identify the specific driver that is causing the problem. Guide you step-by-step to restore the previous working version of that driver. simplify the operation of your device and its accessories. AVG Driver Updater searches for drivers with just one click Outdated or corrupt drivers are found and updated from one central screen to reduce the number of problems and conflicts with printers, scanners, cameras, graphics cards, speakers, mice, keyboards, monitors, Wi-Fi connections and external devices. Powerful features of AVG Driver Updater Fix bugs and get the latest features - all from one central screen. Automatic scanning Automatically scans your entire computer for outdated, missing or corrupt drivers. Scans over 8 million drivers. Checks over 8 million hardware drivers and software updates. Always up to date Our dynamic online driver database performs real-time analysis so you always get the latest drivers. Installs only secure and previously verified drivers. Searches for official drivers for over 1300 leading brands. Selects the optimal drivers for you. Creates a unique profile of your PC so you get the right drivers. Creates a backup copy of your drivers. Creates snapshots of the drivers on your PC so you can restore to the old state in case of unwanted changes. Fewer hardware problems Installs drivers one at a time to reduce hardware problems. System requirements Windows 10, except Mobile and IoT Core editions (32 or 64 bit); Windows 8/8.1, except RT and Starter editions (32 or 64 bit); Windows 7 SP1 or later, all editions (32 or 64 bit). A fully Windows-compatible PC with an Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 processor or higher (support for SSE3 commands required). 1 GB of RAM or more. 1 GB of free disk space. Internet connection is required to download and install the program. Optimal standard screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixels is recommended. Compatible with Windows 10 Languages English, German, Español, Français, 日本語, Čeština, Dansk, Italiano, Nederlands, Português, Norsk, Swedish, Русский
Price: 18.75 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
AVG Driver Updater automatically checks over 8 million drivers to ensure : Fewer crashes A faster browsing experience Better graphics A richer sound Fewer problems with devices Fewer system crashes thanks to AVG Driver Updater Don't let a computer crash ruin your day anymore. We analyze all your drivers and recommend the right ones to reduce the following: Computer freezes Crashes and errors Printer problems Problems with the connection Shaky movements of the mouse Speed up browsing and downloads Make sure your computer can keep up with you. Helps resolve wireless connection interruptions. Helps resolve issues with slow connections. Ensures faster browsing, streaming, and downloading speeds. Adds new features to improve performance. AVG Driver Updater speeds up the gaming experience and ensures smooth video playback. Discover new standards in gaming and video streaming. We search for the latest graphics drivers in real time to give you a smoother gaming, streaming and video editing experience. A whole new design and engine. Our redesigned user interface lets you install drivers in just a few clicks. Our updated driver engine automatically searches for and installs new driver versions, so your drivers are always up to date. Plus, you'll never have to worry about hardware conflicts again because your drivers will install completely smoothly and individually. Enjoy richer sound without noise. Solve sound problems effortlessly. We regularly update your sound drivers and programs to improve audio quality, whether you're listening to music or talking to your family. Solve driver problems quickly and easily. Use the troubleshooting tool to diagnose and fix driver issues that affect your device's accessories and performance. In the rare case that a driver has a problem, the Troubleshooter : identify the specific driver that is causing the problem. Guide you step-by-step to restore the previous working version of that driver. simplify the operation of your device and its accessories. AVG Driver Updater searches for drivers with just one click Outdated or corrupt drivers are found and updated from one central screen to reduce the number of problems and conflicts with printers, scanners, cameras, graphics cards, speakers, mice, keyboards, monitors, Wi-Fi connections and external devices. Powerful features of AVG Driver Updater Fix bugs and get the latest features - all from one central screen. Automatic scanning Automatically scans your entire computer for outdated, missing or corrupt drivers. Scans over 8 million drivers. Checks over 8 million hardware drivers and software updates. Always up to date Our dynamic online driver database performs real-time analysis so you always get the latest drivers. Installs only secure and previously verified drivers. Searches for official drivers for over 1300 leading brands. Selects the optimal drivers for you. Creates a unique profile of your PC so you get the right drivers. Creates a backup copy of your drivers. Creates snapshots of the drivers on your PC so you can restore to the old state in case of unwanted changes. Fewer hardware problems Installs drivers one at a time to reduce hardware problems. System requirements Windows 10, except Mobile and IoT Core editions (32 or 64 bit); Windows 8/8.1, except RT and Starter editions (32 or 64 bit); Windows 7 SP1 or later, all editions (32 or 64 bit). A fully Windows-compatible PC with an Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 processor or higher (support for SSE3 commands required). 1 GB of RAM or more. 1 GB of free disk space. Internet connection is required to download and install the program. Optimal standard screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixels is recommended. Compatible with Windows 10 Languages English, German, Español, Français, 日本語, Čeština, Dansk, Italiano, Nederlands, Português, Norsk, Swedish, Русский
Price: 12.25 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
AVG Driver Updater automatically checks over 8 million drivers to ensure : Fewer crashes A faster browsing experience Better graphics A richer sound Fewer problems with devices Fewer system crashes thanks to AVG Driver Updater Don't let a computer crash ruin your day anymore. We analyze all your drivers and recommend the right ones to reduce the following: Computer freezes Crashes and errors Printer problems Problems with the connection Shaky movements of the mouse Speed up browsing and downloads Make sure your computer can keep up with you. Helps resolve wireless connection interruptions. Helps resolve issues with slow connections. Ensures faster browsing, streaming, and downloading speeds. Adds new features to improve performance. AVG Driver Updater speeds up the gaming experience and ensures smooth video playback. Discover new standards in gaming and video streaming. We search for the latest graphics drivers in real time to give you a smoother gaming, streaming and video editing experience. A whole new design and engine. Our redesigned user interface lets you install drivers in just a few clicks. Our updated driver engine automatically searches for and installs new driver versions, so your drivers are always up to date. Plus, you'll never have to worry about hardware conflicts again because your drivers will install completely smoothly and individually. Enjoy richer sound without noise. Solve sound problems effortlessly. We regularly update your sound drivers and programs to improve audio quality, whether you're listening to music or talking to your family. Solve driver problems quickly and easily. Use the troubleshooting tool to diagnose and fix driver issues that affect your device's accessories and performance. In the rare case that a driver has a problem, the Troubleshooter : identify the specific driver that is causing the problem. Guide you step-by-step to restore the previous working version of that driver. simplify the operation of your device and its accessories. AVG Driver Updater searches for drivers with just one click Outdated or corrupt drivers are found and updated from one central screen to reduce the number of problems and conflicts with printers, scanners, cameras, graphics cards, speakers, mice, keyboards, monitors, Wi-Fi connections and external devices. Powerful features of AVG Driver Updater Fix bugs and get the latest features - all from one central screen. Automatic scanning Automatically scans your entire computer for outdated, missing or corrupt drivers. Scans over 8 million drivers. Checks over 8 million hardware drivers and software updates. Always up to date Our dynamic online driver database performs real-time analysis so you always get the latest drivers. Installs only secure and previously verified drivers. Searches for official drivers for over 1300 leading brands. Selects the optimal drivers for you. Creates a unique profile of your PC so you get the right drivers. Creates a backup copy of your drivers. Creates snapshots of the drivers on your PC so you can restore to the old state in case of unwanted changes. Fewer hardware problems Installs drivers one at a time to reduce hardware problems. System requirements Windows 10, except Mobile and IoT Core editions (32 or 64 bit); Windows 8/8.1, except RT and Starter editions (32 or 64 bit); Windows 7 SP1 or later, all editions (32 or 64 bit). A fully Windows-compatible PC with an Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 processor or higher (support for SSE3 commands required). 1 GB of RAM or more. 1 GB of free disk space. Internet connection is required to download and install the program. Optimal standard screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixels is recommended. Compatible with Windows 10 Languages English, German, Español, Français, 日本語, Čeština, Dansk, Italiano, Nederlands, Português, Norsk, Swedish, Русский
Price: 19.48 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
AVG Driver Updater automatically checks over 8 million drivers to ensure : Fewer crashes A faster browsing experience Better graphics A richer sound Fewer problems with devices Fewer system crashes thanks to AVG Driver Updater Don't let a computer crash ruin your day anymore. We analyze all your drivers and recommend the right ones to reduce the following: Computer freezes Crashes and errors Printer problems Problems with the connection Shaky movements of the mouse Speed up browsing and downloads Make sure your computer can keep up with you. Helps resolve wireless connection interruptions. Helps resolve issues with slow connections. Ensures faster browsing, streaming, and downloading speeds. Adds new features to improve performance. AVG Driver Updater speeds up the gaming experience and ensures smooth video playback. Discover new standards in gaming and video streaming. We search for the latest graphics drivers in real time to give you a smoother gaming, streaming and video editing experience. A whole new design and engine. Our redesigned user interface lets you install drivers in just a few clicks. Our updated driver engine automatically searches for and installs new driver versions, so your drivers are always up to date. Plus, you'll never have to worry about hardware conflicts again because your drivers will install completely smoothly and individually. Enjoy richer sound without noise. Solve sound problems effortlessly. We regularly update your sound drivers and programs to improve audio quality, whether you're listening to music or talking to your family. Solve driver problems quickly and easily. Use the troubleshooting tool to diagnose and fix driver issues that affect your device's accessories and performance. In the rare case that a driver has a problem, the Troubleshooter : identify the specific driver that is causing the problem. Guide you step-by-step to restore the previous working version of that driver. simplify the operation of your device and its accessories. AVG Driver Updater searches for drivers with just one click Outdated or corrupt drivers are found and updated from one central screen to reduce the number of problems and conflicts with printers, scanners, cameras, graphics cards, speakers, mice, keyboards, monitors, Wi-Fi connections and external devices. Powerful features of AVG Driver Updater Fix bugs and get the latest features - all from one central screen. Automatic scanning Automatically scans your entire computer for outdated, missing or corrupt drivers. Scans over 8 million drivers. Checks over 8 million hardware drivers and software updates. Always up to date Our dynamic online driver database performs real-time analysis so you always get the latest drivers. Installs only secure and previously verified drivers. Searches for official drivers for over 1300 leading brands. Selects the optimal drivers for you. Creates a unique profile of your PC so you get the right drivers. Creates a backup copy of your drivers. Creates snapshots of the drivers on your PC so you can restore to the old state in case of unwanted changes. Fewer hardware problems Installs drivers one at a time to reduce hardware problems. System requirements Windows 10, except Mobile and IoT Core editions (32 or 64 bit); Windows 8/8.1, except RT and Starter editions (32 or 64 bit); Windows 7 SP1 or later, all editions (32 or 64 bit). A fully Windows-compatible PC with an Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 processor or higher (support for SSE3 commands required). 1 GB of RAM or more. 1 GB of free disk space. Internet connection is required to download and install the program. Optimal standard screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixels is recommended. Compatible with Windows 10 Languages English, German, Español, Français, 日本語, Čeština, Dansk, Italiano, Nederlands, Português, Norsk, Swedish, Русский
Price: 24.54 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
AVG Driver Updater automatically checks over 8 million drivers to ensure : Fewer crashes A faster browsing experience Better graphics A richer sound Fewer problems with devices Fewer system crashes thanks to AVG Driver Updater Don't let a computer crash ruin your day anymore. We analyze all your drivers and recommend the right ones to reduce the following: Computer freezes Crashes and errors Printer problems Problems with the connection Shaky movements of the mouse Speed up browsing and downloads Make sure your computer can keep up with you. Helps resolve wireless connection interruptions. Helps resolve issues with slow connections. Ensures faster browsing, streaming, and downloading speeds. Adds new features to improve performance. AVG Driver Updater speeds up the gaming experience and ensures smooth video playback. Discover new standards in gaming and video streaming. We search for the latest graphics drivers in real time to give you a smoother gaming, streaming and video editing experience. A whole new design and engine. Our redesigned user interface lets you install drivers in just a few clicks. Our updated driver engine automatically searches for and installs new driver versions, so your drivers are always up to date. Plus, you'll never have to worry about hardware conflicts again because your drivers will install completely smoothly and individually. Enjoy richer sound without noise. Solve sound problems effortlessly. We regularly update your sound drivers and programs to improve audio quality, whether you're listening to music or talking to your family. Solve driver problems quickly and easily. Use the troubleshooting tool to diagnose and fix driver issues that affect your device's accessories and performance. In the rare case that a driver has a problem, the Troubleshooter : identify the specific driver that is causing the problem. Guide you step-by-step to restore the previous working version of that driver. simplify the operation of your device and its accessories. AVG Driver Updater searches for drivers with just one click Outdated or corrupt drivers are found and updated from one central screen to reduce the number of problems and conflicts with printers, scanners, cameras, graphics cards, speakers, mice, keyboards, monitors, Wi-Fi connections and external devices. Powerful features of AVG Driver Updater Fix bugs and get the latest features - all from one central screen. Automatic scanning Automatically scans your entire computer for outdated, missing or corrupt drivers. Scans over 8 million drivers. Checks over 8 million hardware drivers and software updates. Always up to date Our dynamic online driver database performs real-time analysis so you always get the latest drivers. Installs only secure and previously verified drivers. Searches for official drivers for over 1300 leading brands. Selects the optimal drivers for you. Creates a unique profile of your PC so you get the right drivers. Creates a backup copy of your drivers. Creates snapshots of the drivers on your PC so you can restore to the old state in case of unwanted changes. Fewer hardware problems Installs drivers one at a time to reduce hardware problems. System requirements Windows 10, except Mobile and IoT Core editions (32 or 64 bit); Windows 8/8.1, except RT and Starter editions (32 or 64 bit); Windows 7 SP1 or later, all editions (32 or 64 bit). A fully Windows-compatible PC with an Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 processor or higher (support for SSE3 commands required). 1 GB of RAM or more. 1 GB of free disk space. Internet connection is required to download and install the program. Optimal standard screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixels is recommended. Compatible with Windows 10 Languages English, German, Español, Français, 日本語, Čeština, Dansk, Italiano, Nederlands, Português, Norsk, Swedish, Русский
Price: 14.42 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
AVG Driver Updater automatically checks over 8 million drivers to ensure : Fewer crashes A faster browsing experience Better graphics A richer sound Fewer problems with devices Fewer system crashes thanks to AVG Driver Updater Don't let a computer crash ruin your day anymore. We analyze all your drivers and recommend the right ones to reduce the following: Computer freezes Crashes and errors Printer problems Problems with the connection Shaky movements of the mouse Speed up browsing and downloads Make sure your computer can keep up with you. Helps resolve wireless connection interruptions. Helps resolve issues with slow connections. Ensures faster browsing, streaming, and downloading speeds. Adds new features to improve performance. AVG Driver Updater speeds up the gaming experience and ensures smooth video playback. Discover new standards in gaming and video streaming. We search for the latest graphics drivers in real time to give you a smoother gaming, streaming and video editing experience. A whole new design and engine. Our redesigned user interface lets you install drivers in just a few clicks. Our updated driver engine automatically searches for and installs new driver versions, so your drivers are always up to date. Plus, you'll never have to worry about hardware conflicts again because your drivers will install completely smoothly and individually. Enjoy richer sound without noise. Solve sound problems effortlessly. We regularly update your sound drivers and programs to improve audio quality, whether you're listening to music or talking to your family. Solve driver problems quickly and easily. Use the troubleshooting tool to diagnose and fix driver issues that affect your device's accessories and performance. In the rare case that a driver has a problem, the Troubleshooter : identify the specific driver that is causing the problem. Guide you step-by-step to restore the previous working version of that driver. simplify the operation of your device and its accessories. AVG Driver Updater searches for drivers with just one click Outdated or corrupt drivers are found and updated from one central screen to reduce the number of problems and conflicts with printers, scanners, cameras, graphics cards, speakers, mice, keyboards, monitors, Wi-Fi connections and external devices. Powerful features of AVG Driver Updater Fix bugs and get the latest features - all from one central screen. Automatic scanning Automatically scans your entire computer for outdated, missing or corrupt drivers. Scans over 8 million drivers. Checks over 8 million hardware drivers and software updates. Always up to date Our dynamic online driver database performs real-time analysis so you always get the latest drivers. Installs only secure and previously verified drivers. Searches for official drivers for over 1300 leading brands. Selects the optimal drivers for you. Creates a unique profile of your PC so you get the right drivers. Creates a backup copy of your drivers. Creates snapshots of the drivers on your PC so you can restore to the old state in case of unwanted changes. Fewer hardware problems Installs drivers one at a time to reduce hardware problems. System requirements Windows 10, except Mobile and IoT Core editions (32 or 64 bit); Windows 8/8.1, except RT and Starter editions (32 or 64 bit); Windows 7 SP1 or later, all editions (32 or 64 bit). A fully Windows-compatible PC with an Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 processor or higher (support for SSE3 commands required). 1 GB of RAM or more. 1 GB of free disk space. Internet connection is required to download and install the program. Optimal standard screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixels is recommended. Compatible with Windows 10 Languages English, German, Español, Français, 日本語, Čeština, Dansk, Italiano, Nederlands, Português, Norsk, Swedish, Русский
Price: 9.36 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
F-Secure Mobile Security is the security solution for smartphones and many tablet computers. It protects the content on your device, guarantees security for mobile browsing and helps if your device is lost or stolen. Do you care about the content on your smartphone? Imagine what would be at stake if your phone was lost or stolen or infected by mobile malware: All your content, messages, emails, photos... Simply incredible! Mobile Security is a complete solution for the security of your smartphone. This solution protects the content on your phone, enables safe mobile web browsing and helps you if your phone is lost or stolen. The security solution for smartphones and many tablet computers F-Secure Mobile Security It's important to protect your smartphone and its contents, but it doesn't have to be complicated. Enjoy peace of mind today knowing that both the device and mobile content are protected: Complete security solution for smartphones and many tablets with automatic updates. Protects your personal and confidential data. Detects and blocks spy programs that secretly send your private and confidential data. Protects data if your device is lost or stolen and helps you find it. Protects against viruses and other malware. Locates your lost or stolen phone Life is mobile. Protect it. F-Secure Mobile Security is a complete security solution for smartphones and tablet computers. The solution protects the content of your device, keeps you and your children safe while surfing and supports you in case your cell phone is lost or stolen. Safe surfing with F-Secure Mobile Security With F-Secure Mobile Security you know immediately which websites are safe to visit and which you should avoid. Websites that aim to spread malware or steal your online user data, such as online banking credentials, are automatically blocked, so you are always protected when you are online. Parental Control's content monitoring feature ensures that your children are protected from inappropriate or harmful web content. Protect your kids from inappropriate web content Locks and locates your device if lost Mobile devices can be easily lost or stolen. Therefore, it is of great importance to protect the device and be able to search and control it remotely. Remote Lock, Remote Wipe, Alarm, Locate and Anti-Theft features help protect confidential data and locate your device with F-Secure Mobile Security . If your phone is stolen and the SIM card is replaced, the anti-theft feature automatically locks the phone and notifies you of the new number. F-Secure Mobile Security also lets you track people and places. With the new Location Sharing feature, you can inform others of your current location. In addition, the current owner of the device can be located remotely at any time. The F-Secure Mobile Security Labs are on duty around the clock Protection against all types of malicious software Take advantage of automatic real-time protection against viruses, spyware, Trojans and malicious applications capable of leaking private information unnoticed. Automatically updated protection from the world-renowned F-Secure Labs ensures that you can use your device with peace of mind - today and in the future. Comprehensive protection for your mobile devices: Protects online identity and ensures safe browsing. Protects children from inappropriate web content. Locates a lost device or the current owner. Locks a device after loss and deletes data. Protects against malicious apps, malware and viruses. Millions of users trust F-Secure to protect their data - whether at home, in the office or on their mobile devices. Protects your children Parental controls ensure that your children are protected from inappropriate web content. For the content filter, you can choose predefined settings based on the age of the child or select from 15 different content categories: Adult, Chat, Dating, Drugs, Gambling, Incitement, Sports, Travel, Violence, Weapons, Webmail, Sandbox, Forums, Blogs and Social Networking. Furthermore, you can effortlessly locate the current owner of the device with the Location Sharing and Remote Location features. Fastest possible protection through F-Secure Mobile Security Regular automatic updates ensure that your smartphone is protected against new mobile threats as quickly as possible. F-Secure Labs, operating around the clock worldwide, guarantee the shortest response times and timely action on new and emerging threats. Features to F-Secure Mobile Security : Protects your personal and confidential content from viruses and malware Enables secure surfing and protects your identity online Finds your lost or stolen phone or the person with whom the phone is located Protect your children from inappropriate web content Locate your children at any time from their cell phone Supported platforms Android smartphone and tablet devices running Android 5.0 or later Best mobile security apps for Android F-Secure Mobile Security offers the protecti...
Price: 18.03 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
Similar search terms for Finance:
Which banks finance Wirecard?
Wirecard was financed by several major banks, including Commerzbank, ABN Amro, and ING. These banks provided loans and credit facilities to Wirecard, allowing the company to expand its operations and invest in technology. However, after the accounting scandal in 2020, these banks faced scrutiny for their involvement in financing Wirecard's questionable activities.
How can one finance something?
One can finance something by utilizing personal savings, taking out a loan from a financial institution, seeking investment from venture capitalists or angel investors, or crowdfunding through platforms like Kickstarter or GoFundMe. Additionally, one can explore options such as grants, sponsorships, or partnerships to secure funding for a project or venture. It is important to carefully consider the terms and conditions of each financing option to ensure it aligns with one's financial goals and capabilities.
How does Caritas finance itself?
Caritas finances itself through a combination of sources, including government funding, private donations, grants, and fundraising activities. They may also receive support from international organizations and partnerships with other non-profit organizations. Additionally, Caritas may generate income through social enterprises and income-generating projects to support their charitable activities. Overall, their financial sustainability relies on a diverse range of funding sources to support their mission of helping those in need.
BWL or Banking and Finance?
The choice between BWL (Betriebswirtschaftslehre, or business administration) and Banking and Finance depends on your career goals and interests. BWL provides a broad understanding of business management, including areas such as marketing, accounting, and human resources, while Banking and Finance focuses specifically on financial institutions and markets. If you are interested in a career in banking, investment, or financial analysis, Banking and Finance may be the better choice. However, if you are interested in a broader range of business opportunities, BWL may be more suitable. It's important to consider your long-term career goals and the specific skills and knowledge you want to develop.
How do theaters finance themselves?
Theaters finance themselves through a combination of ticket sales, concessions, sponsorships, grants, and donations. Ticket sales are a major source of revenue, with theaters setting prices based on factors such as production costs and audience demand. Concessions, such as food and beverages, also contribute to the theater's income. Additionally, theaters often seek sponsorships from businesses and organizations, apply for grants from government agencies and foundations, and rely on donations from individuals to support their operations and productions.
Can an apprentice finance a car?
Yes, an apprentice can finance a car. However, it may be more challenging for an apprentice to secure financing compared to someone with a stable income or a higher credit score. Lenders may require a co-signer or a larger down payment to mitigate the risk of lending to someone with limited income. It's important for the apprentice to carefully consider their budget and financial situation before taking on a car loan.
How to finance a big trip?
There are several ways to finance a big trip. One option is to save up money over time by cutting back on expenses and setting aside a portion of your income specifically for the trip. Another option is to look for additional sources of income, such as taking on a part-time job or freelance work. You could also consider selling items you no longer need or using a travel rewards credit card to earn points or miles that can be used towards your trip. Lastly, you could explore crowdfunding platforms or seek out sponsorships from companies or organizations that align with your travel plans.
How can one finance the prom?
There are several ways to finance the prom. One option is to save up money from a part-time job or allowance leading up to the event. Another option is to fundraise through activities like car washes, bake sales, or selling merchandise. Additionally, some schools offer payment plans or scholarships to help students cover the cost of prom tickets and attire. Lastly, students can consider splitting costs with friends or attending a more budget-friendly alternative event.
How does Bayer finance the dividend?
Bayer finances its dividend payments through its operating cash flow, which is generated from its various business segments such as pharmaceuticals, consumer health, and crop science. The company also uses debt financing and occasionally issues new shares to raise capital for dividend payments. Additionally, Bayer may utilize its cash reserves or sell non-core assets to support its dividend payments to shareholders. Overall, Bayer employs a combination of internal cash generation, debt financing, and strategic financial decisions to finance its dividend payments.
How do you finance your studies?
I finance my studies through a combination of scholarships, part-time work, and student loans. I actively search for scholarships and grants to help cover tuition costs and living expenses. I also work part-time during the school year and full-time during breaks to earn extra income. Additionally, I have taken out student loans to help cover any remaining expenses.
How do teenagers finance their lifestyle?
Teenagers finance their lifestyle in various ways, including part-time jobs, allowances from parents, and monetary gifts for special occasions like birthdays or holidays. Some teenagers also engage in freelance work, such as babysitting, tutoring, or selling handmade crafts. Additionally, some teenagers may save money from gifts or earnings to afford larger purchases or experiences they desire.
How does Telegram actually finance itself?
Telegram is primarily financed through the personal savings of its founder, Pavel Durov. He initially funded the development of the app using the proceeds from the sale of his previous company, VKontakte. Additionally, Telegram has not relied on advertising or user data monetization, distinguishing it from other social media platforms. The company has also raised funds through private investments and token sales for its blockchain platform, TON.
* All prices are inclusive of VAT and, if applicable, plus shipping costs. The offer information is based on the details provided by the respective shop and is updated through automated processes. Real-time updates do not occur, so deviations can occur in individual cases.