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Products related to Customer:

  • Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise (NCE)
    Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise (NCE)

    Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise (NCE): Optimieren Sie Ihren Kundendienst In der heutigen Geschäftswelt ist ein effizienter und reaktionsschneller Kundendienst entscheidend für den Erfolg. Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise (NCE) bietet Unternehmen eine leistungsstarke Plattform, um den Kundenservice auf die nächste Stufe zu heben. Diese umfassende Lösung nutzt KI-gestützte Tools und integrierte Funktionen, um Ihre Serviceprozesse zu transformieren, die Produktivität Ihrer Mitarbeiter zu steigern und die Zufriedenheit Ihrer Kunden zu maximieren. Vorteile von Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise (NCE) Effiziente Problemlösung: Nutzen Sie Copilot in Dynamics 365, um Probleme schnell zu diagnostizieren, zu beheben und maßgeschneiderte Antworten für Ihre Kunden zu erstellen. Optimierte Agent-Unterstützung: Verbessern Sie die Arbeitsabläufe Ihrer Agents mit Funktionen wie Standpunktanalyse, automatischen Übersetzungen und KI-gestützten Knowledge-Artikeln. Erhöhte First-Call-Lösungsrate: Steigern Sie die Anzahl erfolgreich gelöster Anfragen beim ersten Kontakt durch KI-basiertes Routing, das Anfragen an den bestgeeigneten Agent weiterleitet. Integration und Zusammenarbeit: Vernetzen Sie Experten, die ähnliche Fälle gelöst haben, und ermöglichen Sie eine effiziente Zusammenarbeit über Microsoft Teams. Selbstbedienungsoptionen für Ihre Kunden Echtzeit-Problemlösung: Setzen Sie KI-gesteuerte, konversationsorientierte Bots ein, um Kundenprobleme in Echtzeit zu lösen. Automatisierte Interaktionen: Beschleunigen Sie die Problemlösung durch menschenähnliche, generative KI-gestützte Sprachantworten. Erhöhte Produktivität: Automatisieren Sie Routineaufgaben und komplexe Transaktionen, um den Arbeitsaufwand Ihrer Agents zu reduzieren. Community-Portale: Fördern Sie den Wissensaustausch und die Zusammenarbeit durch personalisierte Portale für Kunden und Mitarbeiter. Optimierung der Serviceabläufe Omnichannel Insights: Greifen Sie auf ein zentrales Dashboard zu, das KI-gesteuerte Analysen und KPIs für alle Kanäle zusammenführt. Trend- und Performanceanalyse: Erkennen Sie neue Trends und identifizieren Sie Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten in Support-Prozessen und Interaktionen. Automatisierung von Prozessen: Ersetzen Sie manuelle Abläufe durch mehr als 1.000 vorgefertigte Flows und benutzerdefinierte Datenkonnektoren. Vorausschauende Planung: Nutzen Sie Vorhersageberichte, um Personalbedarf basierend auf Saisonalität und Gesprächsvolumen zu planen. Kosteneffizienz: Senken Sie die Betriebskosten durch die Nutzung vorhandener Funktionen und die Integration mit anderen Geschäftsanwendungen. Kundenerreichung über bevorzugte Kanäle Skalierbare Telefonsysteme: Richten Sie schnell Telefonsysteme auf einer Microsoft-geführten Plattform ein, die eine zuverlässige Kundenunterstützung ermöglicht. Multikanal-Support: Bieten Sie schnellen Service über E-Mail, SMS, soziale Netzwerke oder virtuelle Assistenten – wo auch immer Ihre Kunden sind. Echtzeitübersetzung: Kommunizieren Sie effektiv in der Sprache Ihrer Kunden dank integrierter Echtzeitübersetzungen. Emotionserkennung und Routing: Leiten Sie Kundenanfragen basierend auf deren Emotionen und Bedürfnissen an den passenden Agenten weiter. Vergleichstabelle Merkmale Dynamics 365 Kundenservice Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Dynamics 365 Customer Service Premium Fallmanagement ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Wissensmanagement (einschließlich Wissenserstellung) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Microsoft 365-Interoperabilität ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Unbegrenzte Anzahl benannter Benutzer ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Leads (nur Erstellung) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Microsoft Power BI ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Microsoft Teams-Integration ✔️ ✔️ Copilot im Dynamics 365 Customer Service ✔️ ✔️ Eingebettete Intelligenz ✔️ ✔️ Multisession-Unterstützung ✔️ ✔️ Einheitliches Routing ✔️ ✔️ Analyse und KPI-Berichte ✔️ ✔️ Prognose und Terminplanung ✔️ ✔️ Portale ✔️ ✔️ Benutzerdefinierte Anwendungen (Microsoft Power Apps) ✔️ ✔️ Workflow-Automatisierung (Microsoft Power Automate) ✔️ ✔️ Dynamics 365 Kontaktcenter ✔️ Self-Service-Chatbots und IVR ✔️ Live- und dauerhafter Chat über Messaging- und soziale Kanäle ✔️ Sprachkanal mit Inbound-Routing, Gesprächszusammenfassung und Outbound-Anrufen ✔️

    Price: 771.07 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional (NCE)
    Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional (NCE)

    Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional (NCE) (CFQ7TTC0LFNK:0001)

    Price: 409.01 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer (NCE)
    Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer (NCE)

    Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer (NCE) (CFQ7TTC0LFNK:0003)

    Price: 164.74 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer (NCE)
    Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer (NCE)

    Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer (NCE) (CFQ7TTC0LFDZ:0003)

    Price: 162.57 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional (NCE)
    Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional (NCE)

    Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional (NCE) (CFQ7TTC0LFNK:0001)

    Price: 409.01 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise (NCE)
    Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise (NCE)

    Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise (NCE): Optimieren Sie Ihren Kundendienst In der heutigen Geschäftswelt ist ein effizienter und reaktionsschneller Kundendienst entscheidend für den Erfolg. Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise (NCE) bietet Unternehmen eine leistungsstarke Plattform, um den Kundenservice auf die nächste Stufe zu heben. Diese umfassende Lösung nutzt KI-gestützte Tools und integrierte Funktionen, um Ihre Serviceprozesse zu transformieren, die Produktivität Ihrer Mitarbeiter zu steigern und die Zufriedenheit Ihrer Kunden zu maximieren. Vorteile von Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise (NCE) Effiziente Problemlösung: Nutzen Sie Copilot in Dynamics 365, um Probleme schnell zu diagnostizieren, zu beheben und maßgeschneiderte Antworten für Ihre Kunden zu erstellen. Optimierte Agent-Unterstützung: Verbessern Sie die Arbeitsabläufe Ihrer Agents mit Funktionen wie Standpunktanalyse, automatischen Übersetzungen und KI-gestützten Knowledge-Artikeln. Erhöhte First-Call-Lösungsrate: Steigern Sie die Anzahl erfolgreich gelöster Anfragen beim ersten Kontakt durch KI-basiertes Routing, das Anfragen an den bestgeeigneten Agent weiterleitet. Integration und Zusammenarbeit: Vernetzen Sie Experten, die ähnliche Fälle gelöst haben, und ermöglichen Sie eine effiziente Zusammenarbeit über Microsoft Teams. Selbstbedienungsoptionen für Ihre Kunden Echtzeit-Problemlösung: Setzen Sie KI-gesteuerte, konversationsorientierte Bots ein, um Kundenprobleme in Echtzeit zu lösen. Automatisierte Interaktionen: Beschleunigen Sie die Problemlösung durch menschenähnliche, generative KI-gestützte Sprachantworten. Erhöhte Produktivität: Automatisieren Sie Routineaufgaben und komplexe Transaktionen, um den Arbeitsaufwand Ihrer Agents zu reduzieren. Community-Portale: Fördern Sie den Wissensaustausch und die Zusammenarbeit durch personalisierte Portale für Kunden und Mitarbeiter. Optimierung der Serviceabläufe Omnichannel Insights: Greifen Sie auf ein zentrales Dashboard zu, das KI-gesteuerte Analysen und KPIs für alle Kanäle zusammenführt. Trend- und Performanceanalyse: Erkennen Sie neue Trends und identifizieren Sie Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten in Support-Prozessen und Interaktionen. Automatisierung von Prozessen: Ersetzen Sie manuelle Abläufe durch mehr als 1.000 vorgefertigte Flows und benutzerdefinierte Datenkonnektoren. Vorausschauende Planung: Nutzen Sie Vorhersageberichte, um Personalbedarf basierend auf Saisonalität und Gesprächsvolumen zu planen. Kosteneffizienz: Senken Sie die Betriebskosten durch die Nutzung vorhandener Funktionen und die Integration mit anderen Geschäftsanwendungen. Kundenerreichung über bevorzugte Kanäle Skalierbare Telefonsysteme: Richten Sie schnell Telefonsysteme auf einer Microsoft-geführten Plattform ein, die eine zuverlässige Kundenunterstützung ermöglicht. Multikanal-Support: Bieten Sie schnellen Service über E-Mail, SMS, soziale Netzwerke oder virtuelle Assistenten – wo auch immer Ihre Kunden sind. Echtzeitübersetzung: Kommunizieren Sie effektiv in der Sprache Ihrer Kunden dank integrierter Echtzeitübersetzungen. Emotionserkennung und Routing: Leiten Sie Kundenanfragen basierend auf deren Emotionen und Bedürfnissen an den passenden Agenten weiter. Vergleichstabelle Merkmale Dynamics 365 Kundenservice Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Dynamics 365 Customer Service Premium Fallmanagement ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Wissensmanagement (einschließlich Wissenserstellung) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Microsoft 365-Interoperabilität ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Unbegrenzte Anzahl benannter Benutzer ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Leads (nur Erstellung) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Microsoft Power BI ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Microsoft Teams-Integration ✔️ ✔️ Copilot im Dynamics 365 Customer Service ✔️ ✔️ Eingebettete Intelligenz ✔️ ✔️ Multisession-Unterstützung ✔️ ✔️ Einheitliches Routing ✔️ ✔️ Analyse und KPI-Berichte ✔️ ✔️ Prognose und Terminplanung ✔️ ✔️ Portale ✔️ ✔️ Benutzerdefinierte Anwendungen (Microsoft Power Apps) ✔️ ✔️ Workflow-Automatisierung (Microsoft Power Automate) ✔️ ✔️ Dynamics 365 Kontaktcenter ✔️ Self-Service-Chatbots und IVR ✔️ Live- und dauerhafter Chat über Messaging- und soziale Kanäle ✔️ Sprachkanal mit Inbound-Routing, Gesprächszusammenfassung und Outbound-Anrufen ✔️

    Price: 771.07 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Targus DOCK171EUZ Notebook Docking Station, Universal incl. Kensington lock, incl. charging function
    Targus DOCK171EUZ Notebook Docking Station, Universal incl. Kensington lock, incl. charging function

    Targus DOCK171EUZ Notebook Docking Station The Targus Universal Dual Video Docking Station allows you to plug just one USB cable into your laptop, and the dock instantly connects it to your external monitors and computer accessories. Our Universal Docking Station is compatible with most major laptop brands and models and even has an integrated laptop charger that supports most 90W laptops. With a dock, you save time and don't have to deal with a tangle of cables every time you want to use or move your laptop. Perfect for use with multiple devices and users, home or office, hot desk environments and suitable for Gigabit Ethernet networks. 3 year warranty as standard. Includes power spikes*: H - Dell H2 - HP L - Acer, Asus, Samsung HP - Compaq, Asus (Legacy) R - Lenovo, IBM (Older Models) Z - Asus, Acer (New) X9 - Lenovo (New) * This list reflects the latest specification. Product specifications (such as included power tips) are subject to change without notice. Other power tip types are available through customer service. Supplied with Universal USB-A 3.0 DV Docking Station with Power Supply Keywords Targus, DOCK171EUZ, Universal USB-A 3.0 DV Docking Station with Charging, Docking Station, Dock, Docking The Universal USB 3.0 DV Docking Station lets you set up a dual beyond HD video workstation or connect a single 2K monitor. It offers built-in power and charging and is designed to support multiple host platforms and brands for broad peripheral and device compatibility. Easily customize your workstation with five USB 3.0 ports (including a high-performance port for charging devices and a Type-C port) and an audio in/out port for speakers, microphones, or headphones. The built-in Gigabit Ethernet connection is more secure and faster than most Wi-Fi connections. The included charging adapters can power most popular notebook brands and are neatly stored in a removable compartment in the dock. - Supports two monitors up to 2048 x 1152 at 60 Hz and 24 bpp color video (a single 2K HDMI monitor at 2560 x 1440 at 50 Hz) by leveraging DisplayLink® DL-3900 technology - HDMI 1.4 port can be converted to a second DVI-D port, DVI-I port can be converted to VGA (adapter not included) - 4 USB 3.0 Type-A ports (right side BC 1.2 fast charging up to 1.5A) Multiple Monitors Delivers excellent 2K resolution (2048 x 1152) on one monitor and better than HD on two external monitors without image distortion or lag. Laptop Charger No longer do you need a separate laptop charger as multiple laptop power ports are conveniently housed in the dock, allowing you to power your laptop through the dock itself. Take your original laptop charger with you on the road. More USB ports 1 USB-C port and 4 more USB-A ports to plug in all your computer accessories; a headset, wireless mouse and keyboard, phone charger, there's even a port for fast charging. 3 Year Warranty High quality is our standard, that's why we offer a 3 year warranty on all our Universal Docks USB-C Compatible If you want to future-proof this dock, simply add a Targus Multiplexer, which also allows you to connect USB-C laptops and devices to your existing monitors and computer accessories. Specifications Works With PCs, Macs, and Android Devices Colour Black Ethernet 1x Gigabit Ethernet Port USB 5 x USB ports, 1x USB-C, 4x USB-A - 1x Powered for fast-charging Audio 1x Audio In/Out Port Operating System Windows® 10, Windows® 8.1, Windows® 8, Windows® 7 / Mac OS® X v10.8, v10.9, v10.10 / Android v5 or later USB Port (USB 3.0 recommended) Dimensions 21 x 12.5 x 5 cm Weight 1.62 kg Warranty Limited 3-Year Warranty EAN 5051794021684 Country of Origin China

    Price: 158.96 £ | Shipping*: 4.26 £
  • Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer (NCE)
    Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer (NCE)

    Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer (NCE) (CFQ7TTC0LFNK:0003)

    Price: 164.74 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer (NCE)
    Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer (NCE)

    Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer (NCE) (CFQ7TTC0LFDZ:0003)

    Price: 162.57 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Cyberlink Director Suite 365
    Cyberlink Director Suite 365

    Director Suite 365 The complete machining studio. Video, photo and audio editing software for creative professionals Director Suite 365 - the comprehensive and professional editing package - offers powerful features that get even better as the year progresses. With precise, powerful video, photo, color, and audio editing tools, you can easily control your production workflow. Get professional results fast. Unlimited creativity with Director Suite 365! Advanced features Director Suite 365 provides the complete editing solution for creative professionals, from video editing to audio editing, color adjustments and image creation. Always up-to-date Be the first to get all the video editing features for Director Suite 365. New features are added every quarter! New design packages every month You get unlimited access to all creative design packages from CyberLink. Plus, more new releases are added every month! New music every month You get access to the music library with 190+ background music teas and 480+ effect clips, with new additions every month! Flexible options Director Suite 365 offers you cost-effective and flexible options. You can take your software with you when you log on, so you can work on your projects from anywhere. Premium Customer Service Submit your concerns to our customer service in the PowerDirector and PhotoDirector App and enjoy premium support. Exclusively for 365 users. New background music and sound effect packs every month Always find the perfect soundtrack for your videos in our ever-growing collection of 190+ background music tracks and 480+ sound effect clips. The complete editing studio Director Suite 365, the comprehensive and professional editing package, offers powerful features that will continue to improve as the year progresses. With precise, powerful video, photo, color, and audio editing tools, you can easily control your production workflow. Get professional results fast. PowerDirector Professional and powerful video editing Timeline with 100 tracks Edit, produce and preview in 4K Increase CPU/GPU performance 1:1 aspect ratio chroma key Keyframe motion tracking PhotoDirector Creative photo and image editing Advanced layer editing AI sharpness correction Video-to-photo Border removal Networked recordings Softproofing ColorDirector Precise color correction for video Keyframe color translation Colour matching Import and Export LUTs Range adjustment Partial Tone for Video Motion tracking AudioDirector Precise audio editing for video Wind distance with AI Automated dialog adaptation Restoration and repairs Multi-channel device recording Batch process Audio track alternatives Plug-ins and effects With unlimited access to an ever-growing collection of premium plug-ins and effects, you'll never be short of creative inspiration. Let your artistic visions become reality! Choose from a huge and growing collection of animated titles, effects and BiB objects to enhance your projects. Premium Design Packages CyberLink's unique creative design packages are the ultimate accessories for film production. Each package includes a range of theme-specific effects, transitions, BiB objects or project templates. This speeds up the creative process or adds an extra spark of creativity. Professional effects and sound packages for video Bring a more cinematic sound to your videos with additional third-party plug-ins and sound effects from world-renowned sources like NewBlueFX, proDAD and BorisFX. Exclusive background music and sound effects PowerDirector also includes monthly releases with a handy variety of professional sound effects and background music that can add the finishing touches to any of your productions. Ready to upload to YouTube! System requirements Operating system Microsoft Windows 10, 8/8.1, 7SP1 (64 bit only) Processor (CPU) Intel CoreTM i-Series or AMD Phenom® II and above Graphics processing unit (GPU) Standard video: 128 MB VGA VRAM or higher 360° video: DirectX 11 Support AI plug-in: 2 MB VGA VRAM or higher. Memory 4 GB required ( 8 GB or more recommended) Hard disk space 10 GB Burning device A writing drive is required to burn discs Sound card Windows-compatible sound card required Internet connection An Internet connection and online registration are required to install and activate the software, check subscriptions, download plug-ins and updates, and access DirectorZone services. Screen resolution 1024 x 768, 16 bit color or higher Supported languages English French German Italian Spanish (Europe) Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Japanese Korean

    Price: 65.01 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Nuance Dragon Bluetooth Wireless Headset II
    Nuance Dragon Bluetooth Wireless Headset II

    Wireless dictation on your computer with the highest performance and quality Dragon Bluetooth Wireless Headset is a Bluetooth headset designed for use with a Bluetooth-enabled device such as a smartphone, tablet or computer. It is able to communicate wirelessly with these devices and allows the user to make phone calls, listen to music, and talk to others via VoIP applications like Skype or Zoom. The headset is usually equipped with a microphone and speakers that allow the user to answer and make calls, as well as listen to music or other audio files. It is also equipped with various controls that allow the user to comfortably operate the headset and adjust the volume and other settings. Your Dragon Bluetooth wireless headset is designed for hands-free dictation with the Dragon family of speech recognition solutions. You can also use your headset to make and receive calls and to invoke the voice assistant for your device, such as Siri (iOS). You can dictate with Dragon when it is installed on your Bluetooth-enabled computer, cell phone or tablet. Key features Get even more out of your Nuance speech recognition software with the right accessories ✓ Beautifully designed and incredibly quick and easy to set up ✓ State-of-the-art Clear Voice Capture (CVC) noise cancellation technology ✓ High compatibility with a range of Windows desktops, laptops, and tablets, as well as Android and iOS tablets and phones ✓ Universal and extremely comfortable design, adjustable to fit left or right ear ✓ Includes convenient USB cable for convenient charging ✓ Up to 10 m range and up to 8 hours talk time Designed to the highest performance and quality standards by Nuance for optimal and highest accuracy Because Dragon supports multiple microphone sources for each profile, it's very easy to switch between different microphones, whether you want to use a specific microphone at home or be untethered at work, school, or on the road. Dragon keeps your presets, speech adjustments and customizations in a single profile, regardless of which microphone you use. The benefits of Nuance Dragon Bluetooth Wireless Headset II: Independence : Users can move freely while listening to music or talking on the phone, as the headset is attached directly to the head and no cables are required. Comfort : A headset is comfortable to wear because it is lightweight, compact, and conforms to the shape of the head. Conversation : A headset with a microphone allows the user to talk and listen comfortably without having to hold the phone or computer. Noise Cancellation : Noise cancellation technology minimizes background noise for better headset sound quality. Productivity : Productivity can be increased with a headset, as the user can focus on the task at hand without being distracted by ambient noise. Safety : In traffic or at work, a headset can help increase safety by allowing the user to focus on the surroundings while talking on the phone or listening to music. Nuance Dragon Bluetooth Wireless Headset II in the business sector In a business setting, the headset could be used to conduct telephonic conferences or meetings, train employees, or take customer calls. It could also help increase employee productivity by allowing them to focus on the task at hand without being distracted by background noise. With noise cancellation technology, it can also improve sound quality during phone calls by minimizing background noise.

    Price: 166.18 £ | Shipping*: 4.26 £
  • AVG Driver Updater
    AVG Driver Updater

    AVG Driver Updater automatically checks over 8 million drivers to ensure : Fewer crashes A faster browsing experience Better graphics A richer sound Fewer problems with devices Fewer system crashes thanks to AVG Driver Updater Don't let a computer crash ruin your day anymore. We analyze all your drivers and recommend the right ones to reduce the following: Computer freezes Crashes and errors Printer problems Problems with the connection Shaky movements of the mouse Speed up browsing and downloads Make sure your computer can keep up with you. Helps resolve wireless connection interruptions. Helps resolve issues with slow connections. Ensures faster browsing, streaming, and downloading speeds. Adds new features to improve performance. AVG Driver Updater speeds up the gaming experience and ensures smooth video playback. Discover new standards in gaming and video streaming. We search for the latest graphics drivers in real time to give you a smoother gaming, streaming and video editing experience. A whole new design and engine. Our redesigned user interface lets you install drivers in just a few clicks. Our updated driver engine automatically searches for and installs new driver versions, so your drivers are always up to date. Plus, you'll never have to worry about hardware conflicts again because your drivers will install completely smoothly and individually. Enjoy richer sound without noise. Solve sound problems effortlessly. We regularly update your sound drivers and programs to improve audio quality, whether you're listening to music or talking to your family. Solve driver problems quickly and easily. Use the troubleshooting tool to diagnose and fix driver issues that affect your device's accessories and performance. In the rare case that a driver has a problem, the Troubleshooter : identify the specific driver that is causing the problem. Guide you step-by-step to restore the previous working version of that driver. simplify the operation of your device and its accessories. AVG Driver Updater searches for drivers with just one click Outdated or corrupt drivers are found and updated from one central screen to reduce the number of problems and conflicts with printers, scanners, cameras, graphics cards, speakers, mice, keyboards, monitors, Wi-Fi connections and external devices. Powerful features of AVG Driver Updater Fix bugs and get the latest features - all from one central screen. Automatic scanning Automatically scans your entire computer for outdated, missing or corrupt drivers. Scans over 8 million drivers. Checks over 8 million hardware drivers and software updates. Always up to date Our dynamic online driver database performs real-time analysis so you always get the latest drivers. Installs only secure and previously verified drivers. Searches for official drivers for over 1300 leading brands. Selects the optimal drivers for you. Creates a unique profile of your PC so you get the right drivers. Creates a backup copy of your drivers. Creates snapshots of the drivers on your PC so you can restore to the old state in case of unwanted changes. Fewer hardware problems Installs drivers one at a time to reduce hardware problems. System requirements Windows 10, except Mobile and IoT Core editions (32 or 64 bit); Windows 8/8.1, except RT and Starter editions (32 or 64 bit); Windows 7 SP1 or later, all editions (32 or 64 bit). A fully Windows-compatible PC with an Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 processor or higher (support for SSE3 commands required). 1 GB of RAM or more. 1 GB of free disk space. Internet connection is required to download and install the program. Optimal standard screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixels is recommended. Compatible with Windows 10 Languages English, German, Español, Français, 日本語, Čeština, Dansk, Italiano, Nederlands, Português, Norsk, Swedish, Русский

    Price: 14.42 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £

Similar search terms for Customer:

  • Is it a business customer or a private customer?

    To determine if a customer is a business customer or a private customer, you can look at the type of products or services they are purchasing. Business customers typically buy in bulk or require specialized products for their operations, while private customers usually make smaller, individual purchases for personal use. Additionally, business customers may provide a company name or tax ID number when making a purchase, whereas private customers typically use their personal information.

  • What is Apple's customer support, not the customer service?

    Apple's customer support refers to the assistance and resources provided to customers after they have purchased a product, such as troubleshooting, technical support, and warranty services. This can include online support through the Apple website, phone support, and in-person support at Apple stores. Customer support is focused on helping customers resolve issues with their products and ensuring they have a positive experience with their Apple devices.

  • Are there differences between customer service and factory customer service?

    Yes, there are differences between customer service and factory customer service. Customer service typically refers to the support and assistance provided to customers before, during, and after a purchase, while factory customer service specifically focuses on addressing issues related to the manufacturing and production of products. Factory customer service may involve handling inquiries about product specifications, quality control, and production timelines, whereas general customer service may involve addressing a wider range of issues such as billing, returns, and general product information. Additionally, factory customer service may require specialized knowledge about the manufacturing process and technical aspects of the products being produced.

  • Is customer service reliable?

    Customer service reliability can vary depending on the company or organization. Some businesses prioritize excellent customer service and have reliable systems in place to address customer needs promptly and effectively. However, other companies may struggle with providing consistent and reliable customer service due to factors such as understaffing, lack of training, or inefficient processes. It is important for customers to research and read reviews to gauge the reliability of customer service before engaging with a company.

  • Is HP customer-friendly?

    HP is generally considered to be customer-friendly, as they offer a variety of support options including phone, email, and live chat support. They also have a comprehensive online support portal with troubleshooting guides and driver downloads. Additionally, HP has a customer satisfaction survey program to gather feedback and improve their customer service. Overall, HP strives to provide a positive customer experience through their support channels and resources.

  • Is the customer dishonest?

    I cannot determine if the customer is dishonest without more information or evidence. It is important to approach each situation with an open mind and gather all relevant facts before making a judgment. If there are concerns about the customer's honesty, it may be helpful to gather more information and communicate openly with the customer to address any issues.

  • What is the purpose of customer questions and customer answers on Amazon?

    The purpose of customer questions and customer answers on Amazon is to provide potential buyers with additional information about a product that may not be covered in the product description. Customers can ask specific questions about features, specifications, or any concerns they may have, and other customers who have purchased the product can provide answers based on their experience. This helps create a more informed shopping experience for customers and can help them make better purchasing decisions.

  • What is the difference on Amazon between customer rating and customer review?

    Customer rating on Amazon is a numerical score given by customers based on their overall satisfaction with the product, usually ranging from 1 to 5 stars. On the other hand, customer reviews are written comments or feedback provided by customers detailing their personal experiences with the product. While customer ratings provide a quick snapshot of customer satisfaction, customer reviews offer more detailed insights and explanations about the product's performance, quality, and features.

  • What is the difference at Amazon between customer rating and customer review?

    Customer rating at Amazon refers to the numerical score given by customers based on their overall satisfaction with a product, usually ranging from 1 to 5 stars. On the other hand, customer reviews are written comments or feedback provided by customers detailing their experiences with the product. While customer ratings provide a quick snapshot of customer satisfaction, customer reviews offer more detailed insights and explanations behind the rating, helping other shoppers make informed decisions.

  • Why is the customer last name not suitable as a primary key for the attributes customer last name, customer first name, and customer ID number in the following example?

    The customer last name is not suitable as a primary key for the attributes customer last name, customer first name, and customer ID number because it is not unique. There can be multiple customers with the same last name, and using it as a primary key could lead to data duplication and inconsistency. A primary key should be unique for each record in the table, and the customer last name does not fulfill this requirement. Instead, a unique identifier such as customer ID number should be used as the primary key to ensure data integrity and avoid duplication.

  • How does the change of rate from existing customer to new customer occur?

    The change of rate from existing customer to new customer can occur through a variety of methods. For example, a company may offer promotional rates or discounts to attract new customers, while existing customers may be subject to regular pricing. Additionally, existing customers may have the opportunity to negotiate a new rate or package with the company, especially if they are considering switching to a different provider. Ultimately, the change of rate from existing customer to new customer is often influenced by the company's marketing strategies, customer retention efforts, and individual negotiations.

  • Why is the customer panicking because customer satisfaction is everything for the boss?

    The customer is panicking because they know that customer satisfaction is the top priority for the boss. They understand that if they are not satisfied with the product or service, it could have serious consequences for the business. The customer knows that the boss values their feedback and opinion, and they are worried that their dissatisfaction could lead to negative repercussions for the company. Therefore, they are feeling the pressure to ensure that their concerns are addressed and resolved in order to maintain the boss's focus on customer satisfaction.

* All prices are inclusive of VAT and, if applicable, plus shipping costs. The offer information is based on the details provided by the respective shop and is updated through automated processes. Real-time updates do not occur, so deviations can occur in individual cases.